Constructed / renovated of 10toilets, 8 urinals, (separately for boys and girls and CWSN toilets). 3 handwashing platforms, provision for safe disposal of sanitary napkins in 3 schools. Completely resolved 25-30 regular children absentees due to WASH-related diseases. Strengthened local communities’ participation in improved WASH management. 25-30 children regularly absent from classes because of WASH-related diseases have been completely eradicated.
Established WASH Clubs in all three schools continuously engaging to take up creative activities reinforcing proper understanding of responsible WASH behaviors. VO / SHG members/Public/HM/ Teacher at large are motivated to make efforts in the protection of the Schools’ WASH infrastructure. The task force committees are formed with members from GPs, VO representatives, SMC representatives, and HMs/Teachers. The responsibility of the task force is to ensure that the WASH infrastructure created in the schools is well maintained. Children and community members were effectively engaged in spreading the information on Hand washing, toilet usage, general hygiene, menstrual hygiene and COVID preventives in their families and neighbourhood.WASH awareness programmes may not take place specifically in the schools as well as at the community level.
Supported by : Hope For Children
Target Area : 3 High Schools in Jangaon District, Telangana
Goals: To Increase Retention and decrease Absenteeism, especially of girls through improved access to WASH
facilities and promoting behavioural change towards better education and health.
Objectives :
- Providing Child-Friendly WASH Infrastructure in Schools and ensuring that the same is
maintained well for the benefit of the children.
- Increase the WASH awareness levels amongst the children and involve them actively in
achieving behavioural change.
- Make school children a medium to take awareness and behavioural change into their families
and communities
This project aims to promote biodiversity, enhance soil health, improve water retention, and provide a
sustainable source of income for farmers, by combining the elements of agriculture and forestry.