Saturation approach in targeted slums and bastis Prioritized target outreach of the least covered areas, slums, and habitations hesitant toward vaccination.Community assessment on the status of vaccination coverage with the help of ASHA Workers, SHG / SLF Leaders, Anganwadi Workers and Corporators. PHCs were supported to manage the data entry efficiently on the CO-WIN App which helped in better tracking and monitoring of 1st dose and 2nd dose coverage of vaccination. Organized static service points at PHC, Decentralised Vaccination Camps and Doorstep Vaccination. Vaccination cards to record the name of the Vaccine, the Place and Date of the first dose and the due date for the 2nd dose.
246slums covered
| 520029 population line-listed
| 406190eligible persons for vaccination
| 97.58% coverage with second dose vaccine
| 7077 vaccination camps organized in slums
| 867483 vaccine doses administered
| 98.28% coverage with first dose vaccine
Supported by : Azim Premzi Foundation
Operational Area : 12 Targeted PHC Service Areas in Hyderabad
Oureach: 100% covid vaccination of targeted slum population to reduce / prevent Covid infection by the end of 6
Objectives :
- Identifying vulnerable population in targeted slums of 12 PHC
- Remove barriers to accessing COVID-19 vaccination
- Raise awareness and propagation for vaccination services
- Provide 100% vaccination to the targeted eligible population in the slums
This project aims to promote biodiversity, enhance soil health, improve water retention, and provide a
sustainable source of income for farmers, by combining the elements of agriculture and forestry.